Deploying Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance

How to Deploy Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance

Deploying Jenkins on an AWS EC2 instance

Welcome back Folks, Today we will be deploying Jenkins on Cloud using AWS EC2 instances. I hope you guys find this blog helpful and intriguing.


Before we jump to the Demo, we must first understand what exactly is EC2

AWS EC2 stands for Elastic Cloud Compute.

  • Elastic: A resource that can be scaled up or scaled down.

  • Cloud: Available on the Internet/Cloud.

  • Compute: We request a virtual server from AWS that contains CPU, RAM and Disk.

Types of EC2 instances

There are a total of 5 types of EC2 instances.

  1. General Purpose: Variable workloads, small websites, development/test environments.

  2. Compute Optimized: Compute-intensive tasks, analytics, web servers.

  3. Memory Optimized: Memory-intensive applications, databases, and big data processing.

  4. Storage Optimized: Machine learning training, video transcoding, GPU-intensive workloads.

  5. Accelerated Compute: High-speed local storage, NoSQL databases, and data warehousing.


Finally, we are at the demo but we need to set a few things up before:

Creating an EC2 instance

Step 1: Search EC2 in the search box and Click on 'Launch instance'.

Step 2: Name the instance 'jenkins-deploy'.

Step 3: Create a t2.micro instance with Ubuntu OS installed in it.

Step 4: You must use a key pair to login into the instance, just click on ‘create new pair’, name it 'aws-login' and download the file.

Step 5: Leave everything else as it is and launch the instance.

Logging into the instance

We are gonna login into this instance with a terminal and the key-login pair that we downloaded earlier.

I am using the Mobaxterm terminal for the sake of the demonstration, you can use any other terminal of your preference.

With the terminal navigate to the folder in which your key login pair was downloaded and run the following commands.

  1. chmod 600 aws-login.pem

  2. ssh -i aws-login.pem ubuntu@<Public-Ipv4-address>

    You can get your public ipv4 address by clicking on the instance name.

Deploying Jenkins on the EC2 instance

  1. Update the instance

    sudo apt update

  2. Install Java

    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

  3. To Download Jenkins paste the following into your terminal

     curl -fsSL | sudo tee \
       /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
     echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \
       /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install jenkins
  4. Test if Jenkins is installed or not

    systemctl status jenkins

  5. To Access Jenkins in our Browser, we need to make it accessible from the instance settings:

    • Go to the Security Groups>Edit inbound rules

    • Add a new Rule, exactly like the following

    • Jenkins is now accessible.


That was it for this blog, If you learned something new from it then please share it with your friends and colleagues.

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